Ammonia is a chemical you don’t want in an angelfish tank. While it’s common in most aquariums, high levels are a problem. Angelfish become unwell […]
How To Introduce New Angelfish
Introducing a new angelfish to an aquarium can be difficult because they can become hostile and aggressive. Also, angelfish can get bullied if housed with […]
Why Is My Angelfish Swimming Sideways?
Swim bladder disease in angelfish results in the fish swimming oddly or frantically. The disorder is progressive, eventually rendering the fish unable to swim correctly. […]
How Do Angelfish Sleep?
Yes, angelfish sleep. They do so by reducing their mobility and becoming very still. They don’t become unconscious but limit the amount of energy they […]
Why Do My Angelfish Keep Dying?
When it comes to sudden angelfish death, the reasons for their demise are broad. These tropical fish require a heated and filtered tank with regular […]
Do Angelfish Have Teeth?
While not as aggressive as their Cichlidae brothers and sisters, angelfish nip and bite other fish. They only do this when defending their territory or […]
Why Does My Angelfish Have Red Eyes?
Angelfish are beautiful creatures, but a body part of the body that’s sometimes overlooked is the eyes. An angelfish’s eyes are usually clear with a […]
Why Do Angelfish Kiss? (Lip Locking in Fish)
If you have more than one angelfish in your aquarium, you may have noticed them locking lips, which look like they’re kissing. Angelfish lock lips […]
How To Tell The Difference in Male And Female Angelfish
For saltwater species, the differences between males and females are subtle. Freshwater variants are near-impossible to distinguish since they have little sexual dimorphism. Female angelfish […]